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Shree Ashok Singh

Chairman LMC

Welcome To Lohia Nagar Mount Carmel, Patna


Welcome to Lohia Nagar Mt. Carmel High School were once described as the future within four walls. That being true, we have the responsibility to make the most excite. Creative & Secure Place we can.

                                                      We aim to Provide a holistic learning experience by encouraging individuality and interacting with our community, please enjoy learning more about our School, through prospectus. I hope you will give our School, the opportunity to Prepare your child for a happy and successful future.

                                                      There is no end to education it is on examination and finish with education. The whole of life from the moment you are born to the moment you die, is a process of learning.


With best wishes

Shree Ashok Singh

Chairman LMC